Version: 1.0

Last Modified: 07-05-2017

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

Federal law requires us to tell you how we collect, use, share, and protect personal information. Federal law also limits how we can use personal information. Protecting the privacy and security of consumers personal information is very important to us and is one of our most significant responsibilities. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do with the personal information we collect both online and offline. SolutionsAe takes privacy and data protection issues seriously. We have designed this Privacy Policy to explain how we handle personally identifiable information collected during the course of business from merchants and affiliate partners who register for services and submit information to SolutionsAe through the Internet.

As SolutionsAe’s services evolve, we may revise this policy, so please check back frequently. If you have questions about SolutionsAe’s privacy practices please contact us at [email protected].

When Do We Collect Personal Information?

SolutionsAe collects personally identifiable information when you register for an SolutionsAe account, and when you use certain SolutionsAe products and services. SolutionsAe may also receive personally identifiable information from its affiliate partners and other business partners.

When you register with SolutionsAe, we ask for your contact information (such as your name, street address and email address), as well as certain information pertaining to your business, along with billing information such as a bank account and/or credit card number.

In the course of processing a payment transaction, we typically receive from the merchant or the financial institution information related to the transaction. This normally includes information about the payment that a consumer has furnished the merchant or financial institution in placing the order. We do not acquire any information directly from consumers through the www.merchantsolutionsae.com website.

What Type of Personal Information Do We Collect?

The personally identifiable information we acquire in processing payment transactions varies according to the nature of the transaction and the way in which merchants or financial institutions are using our payment services. It may include, for example, the amount of the transaction, the consumers name, credit card number and expiration date, checking account number, billing address, and shipping address.

How do We Use the Personal Information We Collect?

SolutionsAe uses the information collected to fulfill your requests for certain products and services, to process payment transactions, to facilitate billing, and otherwise deliver the payment gateway services. We may also send affiliate partners and merchants, through our affiliate partners, service announcements, newsletters, periodic notices about specials, new products and services and products and services offered through our business partners. Personally identifiable consumer information is used to process payment transactions and for no other purpose.

Who Do We Share the Personal Information With?

Protecting personally identifiable information about consumers, merchants and affiliate partners is one of the most important aspects of our business. We share and disclose such information only as described below.

SolutionsAe shares personally identifiable information about you to other companies or people:

1) When we need to share your information with third parties, such as banks, financial institutions and credit card processors, to provide the product or service you have requested; 2) In connection with products and services offered by SolutionsAe affiliate partners, business partners and/or companies who work with and/or on behalf of SolutionsAe to provide a product or service to you; 3) It is appropriate to comply with law; 4) It is necessary to enforce or apply the terms and conditions of our Merchant Agreement, Affiliate Partner Agreement and other applicable agreements; or 5) It is necessary to protect the rights, property, or safety of SolutionsAe, our users, or others, which may include the exchange of information with other organizations for fraud protection and/or risk reduction. In the event that SolutionsAe is acquired or merged with another company personal information may be transferred to that company.

How Do We Secure the Personal Information We Collect?

SolutionsAe stores transaction information on secure computers located in a locked data center. Only a small number of employees involved in the management of the data center have physical access to these computers. Where possible, we encrypt information stored on our computers as a further measure of protection. We use state-of-the-art firewalls and other security technology to prevent our computers from being accessed by unauthorized persons. Information security is critical to our business. It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your Login ID/password and to your computer. Be sure to sign off when finished using a shared computer and otherwise protect the password used to access SolutionsAe services.

How Can You View or Update Your Personal Information?

SolutionsAe gives you the ability to edit your account information and/or preferences at any time by changing your settings in the Control Panel, or by emailing us at [email protected] list text here